The NosBazaar sells your goods to other players for you. You no longer need to open a shop for yourself and then wait a long time for your items to sell. In the NosBazaar you can simply list your items and then have an overview of your sale. You will find an NPC, who is ready to help you with the first steps at the marketplace in Port Alveus Square and also in Desert Eagle City.
Next open the NosBazaar and select the option 'buy' from the menu tab at the bottom of the window. A window will then open with all items that are currently available for sale. If you cannot find what you are looking for, try using the search function at the top: simply select a category and type a portion or all of the item's name in the search box and click 'search'. When it is not related to a bundle sale, you can select the amount of items you require. When you find the item you require, click on 'buy' and confirm the transaction. The purchased items can be found in your inventory.
Now open NosBasar and select the option 'List' from the menu tab at the bottom of the window. Here you can select the items that you wish to list from your inventory. You can select the amount, the listing period and the price and then once ready, click 'list'. Should you wish to sell something as a bundle, select the 'bundle sale' option in the settings. For example, using this method you can sell 99 healing potions all bundled together. The player can then only buy the healing potions together and not individually. The total amount for your listed items is not allowed to exceed 1,000,000 Gold per item. There is also a listing and sale fee, when you choose to sell something on the NosBazaar.
If you use a NosMerchant medal, you will receive various advantages whilst using the NosBazaar. You will not have to pay a sale fee. You will also have a longer period of time to list items and you will receive a discount on the listing fees. A further advantage is that you may list up to 100 items at the same time. The total amount for your items cannot be higher than 100,000,000 per item. The time period for your items runs for up to 30 days. The goods likewise remain in storage for a maximum of thirty days. The total number of your listed items includes those that have not been taken out of NosBazaar and those whose time has expired. An overview of your listed items can be found under 'administration'. On general maps you will still have access to the NosBazaar. The NosMerchant Medal is available in two varieties from the NosMall, with a validity of 7 or 30 days.
In NosBazaar, when you click on the option "administration" on the menu bar at the bottom, all of your listed items will be displayed and you can check the current state of your sales. If the sale has ended or the time period has expired, the items will be displayed in either blue or red text respectively. The storage time depends on whether you are using a NosMerchant Medal or not. Without one, you have 7 days to collect your items, however with one you have up to 30 days. When the time runs out, your items and gold will disappear. You can also cancel the sale of an item. At the end of each of your listed items is the 'quit' button. When you cancel the sale or receive an item whose time expired, you will receive the gold for any sold items and the remaining items back in your inventory.